
March 2025 (5)

Check out Pat Duffy’s latest article on the Journey through the Senses site: it’s about “novels with neurospicy characters”. In a list of brief book reviews, Pat celebrates Neurodiversity Celebration Week (18-23 March) by bringing together these unforgettable fictional characters, in 8 different novels all published between 2003 and 2024, and naturally there are several synesthetes among them.

Take a look at the article – and maybe choose your next good read – here.

See all the synesthesia and neurodiversity interviews and articles here

March 2025 (4)

Nothing about us without us!

Pat Duffy interviews the Institute of Neurodiversity-Canada’s Kim Shah.

They discuss the importance of neuro-inclusion both nationally and globally, and the neurodivergent leading their own movement. Terms like “neuroinclusion”, “neurodiversity”,  “neurominority” and “neurospicy” are clarified. Synesthetes come under the neurodiversity umbrella, as do a range of other traits that are interesting to learn about if you’re not already familiar with them.

Read Pat and Kim’s interview here

See all the synesthesia and neurodiversity interviews and articles here

See the Journey Through the Senses website in general here

Journey Through The Senses (JTTS) explores and celebrates the vast universe of human sensory perception through the lens of art, performance, science, technology, and interactive installations. It has many synesthetes on its team and it contributes to the organisation of events worldwide, most of them with a creative synesthesia connection.

March 2025 (3)

"Chromatic minds" is a new series of videos/podcasts by Smadar Frisch where she interviews different synesthetes in depth about their unique perceptions.

Check them out here:  Youtube    Spotify

Here are some recent episodes:

Gabrielle Hill (auditory-visual, smell, taste)

Constantina Makridakis (lexical-gustatory)

Dylan Jarvis (chromestesia, grapheme)

Pieter Daniel Groesbeek (mirror pain)

March 2025 (2)

Neurodivergent Retreat at the beautiful beach village of Sesimbra, Portugal. 

Led by psychologist and synesthete Maike Pressing. 

4 - 11 May.

An all-in, 1 week neurodivergent wellbeing retreat with workshops, silent walks, synesthesia art, yoga, beach activities... Get all the information here.

Reminding you that... Maike and artist co-host Zoe make regular synesthesia and neurodiversity themed podcasts, available on Spotify. Don't miss this recent episode, “I survived a stroke and now have synesthesia. Acquired synesthesia with George.” We loved his presentation at the Oxford conference and this podcast is a great way to listen again and find out more details of George’s unique case.

The full playlist of the Let’s Talk Synesthesia podcasts is here.

March 2025 (1)

Artists Raewyn Turner & Brian Harris are hosting synesthesia perfume-making workshops in Devonport, Auckland, New Zealand. Don't miss them if you're in that part of the world. Anyone over 18 is welcome. Sundays March 23 and April 6.

More info here

Workshops organised in collaboration with Journey Through the Senses.

December 2024 (3)

William Blake's Visions: Art, Hallucinations, Synaesthesia: a new book by David Worrall

Nottingham Trent University Emeritus Professor David Worrall  says: This book is an inquiry into the British poet and painter, William Blake (1757-1827). He claimed a life-long experience of 'visions.' His visual 'visions,' those which influenced his visual art, were mainly triggered by phosphene related events probably including migraine aura or hypnagogic and hypnopompic states. However, three chapters of William Blake's Visions are dedicated to Blake's experience of synaesthesia. He seems to have had several variants including Grapheme Colour Synaesthesia, Ordinal Linguistic Personification Synaesthesia and Ticker-tape.

Here's a conversation with the author all about the book on the Global Blake website.

A free sample of the Introduction chapter is available on Amazon.

December 2024 (2)

Did you know Pharrell Williams was a synesthete? And that he's recently made a film about his synesthesia? To find out more, take a look at Pat Duffy's latest article on the Journey Through the Senses website about "Piece by Piece", this colourful new film about his rise to musical stardom--and the role his music-colour synesthesia played in the process.

Link to Pat's JTTS article

December 2024 (1)

8th International Congress - Synesthesia, Science & Art. 

Alcalá la Real and Granada, Spain, 23-25 October 2025

Still 10 months to go but we're all looking forward to the October 2025 Spain Congress, which is also celebrating its 20th anniversary this time, as the first one was held back in 2005. The synesthesia world has changed a lot since then... and so we'll have the chance to see some new faces, important researchers, emerging syn world personalities who are making a big contribution to research or to getting knowledge of our subject out to everyone, and many of those who have organised and attended the Congress right from the beginning. Take a note of the dates, visit the web and come and join us in Spain next year for three days of interesting presentations, workshops, exhibitions and socialising in a beautiful town in Southern Spain!

Organised by the Artecittà Association.

Call for abstracts deadline: 15 February 2025

Links for more info:

Congress website

Facebook group

November 2024 (3)

Take part in an art project on synesthetic perception of swifts!

Synesthete artists living along the swifts’ migratory routes are invited to participate in an exhibition to be held at the Spain Synesthesia Congress in October next year by sending a representation of their perceptions of these fascinating travelling birds. The participation deadline is 22 August 2025. Exhibition dates: 23 – 25 October 2025 at the Palacio Abacial Archeology Museum in Alcalá la Real, Spain (runs together with the Synesthesia Congress). Organised by Ninghui Xiong and Caitlin Mkhasibe.

Brief information here.

Full information here.

November 2024 (2)

Neurodiversity in business


Why does author Maureen Dunne recommend top corporations and other organizations hire the neurodivergent?  Read about it here on the Journey Through the Senses website in Pat Duffy's Q&A with the author of best-selling The Neurodiversity Edge.

November 2024 (1)

Live performance in London: The Venus Bushfires Presents Sounds of Us UK

Wednesday 20th November 2024. 6pm doors, 7pm performance.

Venue: Ladbroke Hall, 79 Barlby Rd, London W10 6AZ

A groundbreaking, immersive live performance by The Venus Bushfires (Helen Epega). This unique experience weaves together British and African stories through an exquisite fusion of music, culture, art, and sensory exploration.

Synesthete Helen Epega experiences musical notes as colours. As you listen to the ethereal sounds of the hang, African percussion, Western classical instruments, and meditative vocals, you will be invited to reflect your responses visually.

More info on the JTTS website here.

Get tickets online from the Ladbrooke Hall site here.

Online art talks at - come and listen in!

3 synesthete artists from 3 different countries at an online session anyone can join, this Saturday November 9.

Organiser Timothy B. Layden says: "We invite all who are interested to join us for the talk #2 taking place on 09 November 2024 at 7pm (UTC), featuring talks by the following artists:

Raewyn Turner (New Zealand): “Feeling Equivalents”

Gaby Cardoso (Argentina): “Colored Frequencies”

Michael Haverkamp (Germany): “Music – Life – Arts – History”

Moderation: Christine Söffing

With the talks series we present the work of contemporary artists whose work looks at synaesthesia from diverse perspectives. The artists in our talks experience synaesthesia themselves, which informs their work. Each talk offers a unique look into the experience and creative processes of the artists we celebrate at

The link to the Zoom meeting will be available on the website on the day of the event.

We look forward to seeing you there!

The team

Michael Haverkamp. Christine Söffing. Timothy B. Layden and Leonore Egbert

Link to the site

October 2024 (3)

United Nations Neurodiversity participation

Pat Duffy has interviewed Silvan Ruthenberg, the Global Lead of the Institute of Neurodiversity (ION), at the at the United Nations Headquarters in New York City, where he participated in the UN Summit of the Future 2024. Later, with a positive vote on the “Pact for the Future”, with the presence of Silvan’s organization ION and other advocacy groups, neurominorities are becoming part of the global conversation on human rights and other vital issues. This is a step forward from for neurodiverse people everywhere… and synesthesia is a type of neurodiversity so it’s good news for synesthetes too.

Read Pat’s interview with Silvan Ruthengerg on the Journey through the Senses website here

Find out more about the Institute of Neurodiversity (and become a global member) here

Read more about neurodiversity here

More about the United Nations Summit of the Future here

October 2024 (2)

Some upcoming synesthesia-related events


Talk & Launch of the syn community’s new Augmented Reality app at New York University  Educational Communication and Technology.

Hybrid format – online too.

The app features Geri Hahn’s art, virtual strolls in Central Park, and synesthesia.

Maad Haar, Svetlana Rudenko, Geri Hahn.

Thursday, Oct 22nd, 2024

More info here


Not to be Senseless #3”. Event and exhibition in Maastricht, Holland.

More info here


Upcoming release  of synesthete musician Pharrell Williams's new animated film "Piece by Piece" in early November 2024. Animations by Michel Gagné. 

Official trailer

More info from the UK Synesthesia Association

October 2024 (1)


11.30 a.m. on Saturday, 13th October 2024... and the Synesthesia Tree website has reached one million page views. This is a feel-good celebration for me as its author, and it’s made me realise that it’s fantastic to be part of the synesthesia community and to be one of a group of people who are working to get reliable knowledge on our favourite subject to readers all over the world.

 The Tree first saw the light in April 2021 (after El Árbol de la Sinestesia, the first version, in Spanish, appeared in February of the same year). Since that time it has grown steadily, as trees do, and it’s now getting around 1,400 page views a day. 

 I think it’s serving its purpose: helping people all over the world to easily find information on the different types and aspects of synesthesia, being a springboard for them to find further information through links to other sites, and  – one of the most important things for me – enabling synesthetes to newly discover that they have this trait and what their different types are.

 I try to constantly update and correct the information on the site and add new things as I find them, and I wish I had more time to do it better and quicker. I suppose the Tree’s improving bit by bit, even though I know it’ll never be perfect and it’ll never be finished!

 A big shout-out to all the wonderful syn community people I’ve met as a result of this project that I’ve enjoyed so much, at the synesthesia conferences, in real life and online. They’re a big part of my life now, and I'm looking forward to seeing them all again some time soon and meeting new ones!


August 2024 (2)

A microphone to share neurodiversity knowledge… and synesthetes’ stories

Pat Duffy interviews Maike Preissing, the UK Synaesthesia Assocation's youngest and most recent Board member and creator of the “Let’s Talk Synesthesia” podcast series

For the last year and a half, psychologist Maike Preissing and her co-host the artist Zoesthesia have been interviewing some of the big names in the synesthesia world and also a great selection of other people who have something interesting to say about synesthesia and neurodiversity in general. After a summer break they’re back to recording more episodes. There’s something for everyone to listen to, so why not have a look through the Spotify list and tune in to whichever episodes interest you most?

Let's Talk Synesthesia podcasts

Read Pat’s recent interview with Maike on the Journey Through the Senses website here

August 2024 (1)

Some synesthesia films in 2024


Here’s the trailer for "Magnetosphere," a family comedy about a 13-year-old girl growing up with synesthesia, written and directed by Nicola Rose and with a star line-up of actors. The official release will be in October 2024 at the Buffalo International Film Festival.

See the trailer for Magnetosphere here


Based on writer, director and star Rudy Mancuso, “MÚSICA” is a coming-of-age love story that follows an aspiring creator with synesthesia who must come to terms with an uncertain future while navigating the pressures of love, family and his Brazilian culture in Newark, New Jersey.

Synesthete artist Geri Hahn says of the film: “Best film I ever saw about synesthesia!! When the main character described his relationship to sound and rhythm, I burst into tears. It was/is my world. (…)  I highly recommend seeing this with non-Syn friends or family". 

See the trailer for Música here

See more of Geri and her fascinating world in this short “Vice” video: 

What’s It Like to See Sound – 10 Questions

July 2024 (3)

A colourful book for mini-synesthetes

Christy Gurley is a synesthete artist based in the California region whose beautiful designs radiate colour and light. She’s recently been interviewed by Pat Duffy for the Journey Through the Senses website about the children’s book she’s written, Sereya’s Superpower, with illustrations by Anita Morgan. It’s about a little synesthete girl and how she sees the world, and the book is ideal for very young children so parents of the newest synesthetic generation should check it out! The JTTS interview is a great way to get to know Christy as an emerging artist and author and the creator of Starshine Designs Art, and find out how she aspires to bring the colourful world of synesthesia to a bigger audience.

Read Pat’s interview with Christy here

Get Sereya's Superpower here

Synesthesia Tree author Pau discovers Christy's new book at the conference in Spain

July 2024 (2)

Mamoru Watanabe, a PhD candidate at the University of Bristol, UK, is offering the opportunity for synesthetes to take part in a synesthesia communication workshop in the UK. Get in touch if you're interested!

Mamoru says:

"We will be hosting the workshop "Sensory Dialogue: Workshops for Exploring Synaesthetic Communication" on the 12th, 17th, and 22nd of July 2024 at the University of Bristol and/or Goldsmiths, University of London, UK. We are currently seeking participants for this workshop. This workshop focuses on the communication aspects of synaesthesia within synaesthetes. Participants need to have synaesthesia (any types are welcome!) and be able to communicate in English (fluency is not necessary). Our workshop aims to explore how text, sensory materials, creative tools (including computational software such as Generative AI), and conversations could support articulating their synaesthetic experiences.

Please message or email me ( with your name, synaesthesia type, and your preferred date (choose one from the options provided). We will cover your travel expenses within the UK. We look forward to hearing from you!


12/07/2024 (Friday): 12-3:30 pm (Location: Bristol) – Including coffee/tea break

17/07/2024 (Wednesday): 12-3:30 pm (Location: Bristol or London) – Including coffee/tea break

22/07/2024 (Monday) 12-3:30 pm (Location: Bristol or London) – Including coffee/tea break

Workshop leader:

Mamoru Watanabe (PhD candidate at the University of Bristol, UK)

Contact email:

July 2024 (1)

Synesthesia Awareness Day virtual meetup on July 2nd

The initiator of this event is Stephen, who says:

“Last year I founded an official Synesthesia Awareness Day, which is held annually on July 2. We host a virtual meet-up, showcase artists and other things to help the synesthesia community get some much needed attention. Would love for people on this sub to be able to partake, we have people join from all over the world!”

The 2024 virtual meet-up will be held by Zoom on Tuesday 2 July at 2 p.m. UTC.

If you’d like to attend or would like more information, take a look at Stephen’s synesthesia website.

March 2024

Check out this interesting interview with James Wannerton on the Journey through the Senses website!

James Wannerton is a well-known lexical-gustatory synesthete who has made many media appearances and is the President of the UK Synaesthesia Association. He recently collaborated with a successful theatre piece, Pete Carruthers' The Possibility of Colour, about neurodiversity, synesthesia and how we can fight against the standardisation of our society and the dark possibility of deriving towards a dystopian future. Pat Duffy interviews James to find out more about the play and how he reacted to seeing a word-tasting synesthete being brought to life on stage for the first time.

Read the article here

Pat's Q&A is posted in connection with this year's Neurodiversity Week, from 18th-24th of March. Find out more here!

February 2024 (2)

Take a look at beautiful recent works by synesthete artists on this site and… 
Listen in to the Synesthesia Art Talks on Wednesday 28th February

The team says:

" is the first online gallery for synaesthetic art and was launched in summer 2023. With the talks series we present the work of contemporary artists whose work looks at synaesthesia from diverse perspectives. The artists in our talks experience synaesthesia themselves, which informs their work. Each talk offers a unique look into the experience and creative processes of the artists we celebrate at talk #1 on 28/02/2024 at 3pm (GMT) with talks by the artists Ninghui Xiong (China), CC Hart (USA) and Timothy B Layden (UK).

Moderation: Michael Haverkamp

The Zoom link to access the Art Talk will be available on the gallery website on 28/02/2024.

We look forward to seeing you there!"

February 2024 (1)


“The Possibility of Colour”, a new play written by Pete Carruthers, is on tour in the UK.

Pete collaborated with James Wannerton for his inclusion of lexical-gustatory synesthesia in the piece, a funny, thought-provoking work about AI-induced standardisation of minds exploring the topic of neurodiversity.

“The Possibility of Colour” will soon be forming part of training given to health professionals.

“I think it’s fair to say that when most people witness unusual traits in others, they’re much more likely to respond with fear and suspicion than with curiosity and open-mindedness … it results in missed opportunities for the whole of society, with its blinkered insistence on a perceived ‘neurotypical’ ideal.”

Pete Carruthers                   

See the 4-minute trailer for the play here

Find out what’s behind the scenes: Pat Duffy interviews Pete Carruthers on the Journey Through the Senses website here

And why not attend a film screening of the play, interviews and dinner and drinks if you can be in Innsbruck, Austria on the 24th of February?  More info here

This event is part of Maike Pressing’s celebrations for the one-year anniversary of her Let’s Talk Synesthesia podcast.


January 2024

7th online Synesthesia seminar: Cuisine

17th of January, from 3:30 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. GMT


The seminar will delve into the concept of taste as a multisensory experience. How does the interplay of multiple senses impact our experience of eating and drinking? Furthermore, how do modern chefs engage in experimental approaches with synesthetic flavors?




Gabriela Ruiz Lugo – chef and restaurant owner, named the best chef in Mexico by the Mexican Gastronomic Council;


James Wannerton – artist and writer, President of the UK Synaesthesia Association;


Qian Janice Wang – Associate Professor of Consumer Psychology at the University of Copenhagen;


Concluding words by Carolyn CC Hart, IASAS Secretary.


Click here for the link to the live seminar


This is the 2024 Tree News page.

The 2022/2023 news page is here

The 2021 news page is here

1 comment:

  1. The Possibility of Colour is a great play!
