Pain-taste synesthesia

An alternative name could be algesic-gustatory synesthesia

This type of synesthesia appears to be rather more common than pain-smell synesthesia, but it is still a rare type. It consists of different types of pain each triggering a specific taste sensation.

While other types of synesthesia with a taste concurrent (lexical-gustatory, for example) tend to produce very specific tastes connected with foods that were eaten in the synesthete’s childhood, pain-taste synesthesia seems to have more of a tendency to induce generic tastes like sweet, bitter, metallic, sour or salty, and/or combinations of these basic flavours.

Here are some descriptions written by people with this type of synesthesia:

“Body aches, like back pain, taste sweet and bitter. Cuts taste kinda salty and sour, like pan-seared fish with lemon. I got stung by a bee yesterday and it tasted like strawberries!"

(Source: A response in an AMA (“ask me anything”) on Reddit/AMA. 2020.)

Different types of pain have flavours, like sharp pain tastes like metal, aches taste like charcoal, dull pain tastes like hot water.”

(Source: This post on Reddit/Synesthesia. 2019.)

Pain tastes bitter for the most part, but if it’s a headache it’s a pretty mild flavor.”

(Source: This comment on Reddit/Synesthesia. 2020.)

Related types of synesthesia:





This page last updated: 06 July 2021


  1. Scratches taste like mac n cheese to me

  2. I experience a specific taste when a bruise is touched; it's the same sicky taste I get when i have a bad cold

  3. God, it feels so stupid trying to get medical help when the only way you can describe the pain is "tastes like metal". You know. As opposed to most pain, which just tastes like pain.
