Find your type here! Each link will take you to a description.

(Note: this page uses US spelling for words like color, flavor, etc. In other parts of the web you'll find the British English spelling used (colour, flavour), although the US/international spelling of the word "synesthesia" is used throughout the site rather than the UK version "synaesthesia". This page is just for search engine visibility of the US terms.) 
Acupuncture-color/shape (tactile-visual)
ASMR (not considered synesthesia; for similarities/differences see auditory-tactile)
High-production synesthesia
Ideasthesia (or ideaesthesia) (not a type of synesthesia but an alternative way of defining it)
Mathematical concepts-vision
Mathematical synesthesias
Mirror kinetics (involuntary movements on seeing other people move)
Object personification (only considered synesthesia in certain cases)
Objects are odd or even
Objects have personalities
Sight-smell: see smelling images or concept-smell
Sight-taste: see tasting images or concept-taste
Smelling colors (colors trigger smell perceptions)
Smelling images
Smelling music or sound
Smelling numbers
Sounds-emotion (not considered synesthesia)
Tasting colors (colors trigger taste sensations)
Visual-olfactory synesthesia: see smelling imagesconcept-smell or color-smell
Visual-gustatory synesthesia: see tasting imagesconcept-taste or color-taste

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