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This is a list of all the pages in The Synesthesia Tree


There follows a list of the 105 pages on types/subtypes of synesthesia and some other related phenomena.

After this the other types of pages on the site are listed (brief definitions; information pages).

The pages do not have a set order. I’ve divided them into groups here, each group with a key word as a heading.

Auditory (visual)

Auditory-visual synesthesia

General sounds-vision (colour/shape)

Musical synesthesias


Timbre-colour and timbre-shape

Tone-colour (musical note-colour)


Key signature-colour

Musical mode-colour

Song-colour. Musical genre-colour

Voice-colour and voice-shape

Seeing flashes on hearing loud or sudden sounds (not a type of synesthesia)

Images seen in creative/musical trance

Auditory (non-visual)

Auditory-gustatory synesthesia

Tone-taste (musical notes) and chord-taste

Song-taste. Musical genre-taste


Auditory-olfactory synesthesia

Auditory-tactile synesthesia

Sound-texture synesthesia

Musical note-texture synesthesia

Auditory-motor synesthesia

Music and temperature

Misophonia (not a type of synesthesia)

In this section, see also Personification of sequences of musical sounds

Graphemes (visual)

Grapheme-colour synesthesia

Grapheme-shape/texture/colour/image synesthesia

Lexeme-colour and morpheme-colour synesthesia

Phoneme-colour synesthesia

Stimulus-parity synesthesia

Duality synesthesia

Gender as a synesthetic concurrent

Numbers as a synesthetic concurrent


Ordinal linguistic personification and personification in general

Letter personification

Number personification

Personification of days or months

Colour personification

Object personification

Cutlery personification

Personification of sequences of musical sounds


Person-colour synesthesia

Personality-colour synesthesia

“Aura” synesthesia (projective personality-colour)

Perceived emotion-to-colour (and other concurrents)

Personality-smell and personality-taste synesthesia

Spatial sequences

Spatial sequence synesthesia

Calendar synesthesia

Number form synesthesia

Alphabet-form synesthesia

Spatial sequences of concepts (other than time units, numbers or letters)

Colour (inducer)

Colour-to-taste synesthesia

Colour-to-smell synesthesia

Colour-sound (colour-tone) synesthesia

Colour-tactile synesthesia

In this section, see also Colour personification


Motor synesthesia

Kinetics-colour synesthesia

Motion-to-sound synesthesia


Pain-colour and pain-shape synesthesia

Pain-smell synesthesia

Pain-taste synesthesia

Pain-sound synesthesia


Emotion-colour and emotion-shape synesthesia

Emotion-taste synesthesia

Emotion-smell synesthesia

Emotion-tactile synesthesia

Is emotion a synesthetic concurrent?

In this section, see also Perceived emotion-to-colour (and other concurrents)


Gustatory-visual synesthesia

Taste-colour synesthesia

Taste-shape synesthesia

Gustatory-auditory synesthesia

Gustatory-tactile synesthesia

Taste and smell (not a type of synesthesia)



Olfactory-visual synesthesia

Olfactory-auditory synesthesia

Olfactory-tactile synesthesia

Smell and memory, taste and Proust’s madeleine

In this section, see also Taste and smell (not a type of synesthesia)


Mirror touch

Machine empathy

Mirror speech

Mirror kinetics

Pain empathy (not a type of synesthesia)


Tactile-visual synesthesia

Sexual (and romantic) synesthesia

Tactile-gustatory and tactile-olfactory synesthesia

Tactile-auditory synesthesia

Tactile-emotion synesthesia


This page last updated: 26 June 2023

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