
Chromesthesia is a general name given to any type of synesthesia where the inducer is sound or music and the concurrent is (or includes) colour.

All the following types of synesthesia can be called chromesthesia (the links go to the pages on each type):

Musical note-colour (=tone-colour)

This image: Loria187, on Reddit/Synesthesia. 2020. 

This page last updated: 10 October 2022


  1. water in the bath "feels" different colors depending on water temperature

  2. Does only seeing shapes and textures moving around also count as chromesthesia or are these two separate types: sound-shape and sound-texture?
    I also feel like I can feel the texture, but only where the sound is coming from, not all over my body. When I listen to music with headphones, the textures and shapes are like inside of my head because that's where the music is playing.
    When a speaker above me talks or plays music, that's also where the textures and shapes are, but I still seem to "feel" them somehow, as if a part of me reached over there and touched them.
